Should Contract Cleaners Add CTAs to Their Blogs?

One of the most essential parts of a blog is what is referred to as the CTA – the Call to Action.  Typically, it is posted at the end of a blog, but it can be sprinkled in – when and where appropriate – in the body of a blog as well.

The thinking behind a CTA is very simply this: catch them while they are hot. 

Let’s say a potential customer had just read your blog, they like what they have just read, and they learned something from your blog.  The last thing you want them to do is just walk away. A CTA gives them some options to stick around and get to know you and your company a bit better. 

For instance, your CTA could say something as simple as this:

“For more information on this topic and ways to keep your facility cleaner and healthier, contact us at”

Another CTA option is to provide your reader with a Chat button.  Many prospects like to chat online because this is generally a safe way to contact someone at a company without feeling “sales” pressured.  Make sure your chat option requires the reader to fill out a contact form, which you can later add to your prospect database.

Still another CTA possibility is to offer your visitor a free download of some kind.  If most of your visitors are facility managers, a tip sheet on how to prepare an updated request for proposal can be very powerful.  To get the download, once again, have your visitor fill out a contact form. Now you know who downloaded the item, so you can add that person to your database and follow up with them in the future.

We should point out that CTAs are not written in stone.  Feel free to change them.  Very often, you will find some styles work better than others. 

Also, try placing them in different areas on the page.  They do not necessarily need to be at the end of the blog.  Another alternative is to use a CTA designed as a graphic or similar to a banner, an option which can prove to be very powerful.

For more information on ways to build your contract cleaning business and “hands-on-consulting,” contact Ron at