Someone I recently worked with wanted to expand his business. He gave up on cold calling, as it just was not working, he did not enjoy it, and was looking for a new tack. Based on his research, he decided the best approach was to increase his online savvy. He spent a small fortune on a new website; immersed himself in social media; began blogging on his own site and others; paid instructors for guidance on how to use LinkedIn as a marketing tool, at a rate of $300 per hour; and read every book available on how to market effectively in the 21st century.
And the result? Zilch, nada, nothing.
However, this is not the end of the story. He was able to grow his business. Now he has as much business as he can handle. It just didn’t happen the way he expected. So what turned things around? Instead of relying on 21st-century marketing techniques, he used one of the oldest tools in the business handbook and that is face-to-face networking. This still is one of the marketing tools that work for cleaning contractors.
Some cleaning contractors think there is a secret to successful networking. In reality, there is no secret; you just have to do it. I’ll admit we all may feel some apprehension going up to strangers at a business event and starting a conversation, but what often happens is once you give it a try, you actually start enjoying yourself more than you thought you would. And when you can enjoy it, that’s when the results really start to add up.
While there is no secret to successful networking, there is a formula that I teach my contract cleaning clients that has proven very effective. It includes the following: Network with a purpose. Make sure you know why you are attending the networking event. Is this a gathering for people in an industry you want to get more involved with? Unless you are networking just to practice your skills, don’t waste your time with events that don’t fit your business goals.
Get strategic.
Find out as much as you can about the gathering. Who is the guest speaker? Who is hosting the event? Who will be at the event? Are they decision makers? Building owners? Property managers? Knowing who is attending will help you determine what approach to take when talking to guests.
Dress for the event.
I once knew a contract cleaner who specialized in cleaning law offices. Attorneys typically dress suite-and-tie at business events, and when attending one of their events, he did too. He also had many design firm clients. Architects and designers often dress very casually and when he attended one of their events, he did too. Appropriate attire will not only help you look like you belong but also help you feel more comfortable mingling with the crowd.
Careful with business cards.
Your goal at a networking event is to develop as many genuine connections as possible in the time available. It is not to hop from one person to another dropping off as many business cards as possible. Take the time to talk to someone first. If they are a potential client, someone who could help your business or you, or someone you would like to see again, then exchange business cards.
Nervous or ineffective networkers think their job at a networking event is to talk, talk, talk. While the interactions should not be one-sided, and you should talk about yourself and your business, start by asking questions. Then listen to the answer. Learn about the person you are speaking with, what they do, what their position is, and so on, and build some rapport. Genuine interactions lead to more meaningful business connections.
There are a few other tips you might like to consider. For instance, when attending a networking event, wear a “conversation started.” It must be professional, but if wearing a little something unusual, such as a remarkable tie or brooch, helps break the ice and draws people to you, do it.
Your research into what the gathering is all about should help you keep the conversation going, but usually the best way to start a conversation is just to introduce yourself and take it from there.
Segura & Associates works with all types of organizations helping them operate their facilities in a healthier, more sustainable, and more efficient manner. Click here to contact Segura & Associates