Waving the Flag

Have you ever been referred to as “The Non-Revenue-Generating Necessary Evil”?

Maybe not directly, but this is the way departments in the facility group of most organizations are viewed. For many years we, as members of facility departments, did nothing to change that image. When reductions in budgets are required, we make those adjustments and in many cases, we continue to provide an acceptable level of service. But, NO MORE!



We do contribute to the generation of revenue. Janitorial segments of facility departments should now wave their flags and tell their story. Consider the contributions to revenue generation that your group has made, such as:

1. By implementing a Green Cleaning Program, you have contributed in creating a clean indoor air quality that results in increased productivity. Reduced absenteeism affects the productivity of an organization; having air quality free of VOCs and toxins results in an environment that allows for more creativity and productivity.

2. By using a “Marketing Approach” to cleaning you have made a positive first impression on visitors. A marketing approach to cleaning is a pro-active process that goes beyond the regular dusting, vacuuming, and mopping. From the time the visitor enters the facility, smudges on the entry glass, spots on the carpet, dusty flat surfaces, do not distract them. Can you recall the last time you paid your first visit to a doctor, dentist or lawyer? If the lobby were filthy, what type of first impression would you start to develop?

3. By using the latest technologies you work more efficiently. Every day there is a new or improved technology that affects the way we clean or that allows us to stretch our time and resources. Many of our customers think we still “strip and wax” or use “bleach” to sanitize. If you are using HEPA or triple filtration vacuums, do your customers know the effect on the indoor air quality—and how much they benefit?

These are just three examples of what we may be doing as a department or outsourced service that our customers are not aware of. They are reasons we should wave our flag! Let people know what you are doing, because if you do not, you cannot expect someone else to. What you do is necessary! Far from being a “necessary evil,” by creating a clean environment your work contributes to generating revenue for the company.

Segura & Associates works with all types of organizations helping them operate their facilities in a healthier, more sustainable, and more efficient manner. Click here to contact Segura & Associates