What Did You Accomplish?

Below are a series of questions designed to help you assess the state of your business today.

1. Has your company not met its profit goals?

2. Has your company not met its sales or market share objectives?

3. Does your company have a difficult time finding the talent needed to realize the growth objectives you have?

4. Does your company seem to be losing key employees to the competition?

5. Do you want better performance from your management team?

6. Are internal politics or bureaucracy evident in your company?

7. Does the competition have a better reputation in the marketplace?

8. Is the competition doing better or growing faster than your company grows?

9. Why does your company not have higher profits?

10. Have you been surprised by a key executive’s resignation?

11. What is this industry going to look like in two years? In five years?

12. Does it take a long time for your company to make decisions?

13. Do you hire people you are not 100% certain will be successful?

These are just a few questions you might answer, hopefully they might assist you in the “Development of a Strategic Plan” for 2017.