5 Statements Cleaning Contractors Make and What They Really Mean

There are five statements I hear building service contractors of all shapes and sizes make all the time. Typically, these statements tell me much more about the cleaning contractor than they do about the situation they are grappling with. Further, very often, these statements have very little to do with what is actually happening. So, …

Should Cleaning Contractors Use Workloading to Bid on Facilities?

I know lots of cleaning contractors use workloading or workloading principals when responding to requests for proposals (RFPs).  Further, many are now selecting new software programs, some of which can make the entire process much easier. However, prior to considering what type of software is needed for your organization, here are some things to consider: …

Tips for Communicating Facility Cleaning Issues

This article by Ron Segura was originally published on the REMI Network The cleanliness of a facility is often based on appearance. In some cases, cleaning professionals are often targeted because, until recently, there was no scientific way to tell whether a facility or areas within a facility were effectively sanitized and left in a …