Tips for Communicating Facility Cleaning Issues

This article by Ron Segura was originally published on the REMI Network The cleanliness of a facility is often based on appearance. In some cases, cleaning professionals are often targeted because, until recently, there was no scientific way to tell whether a facility or areas within a facility were effectively sanitized and left in a …

Cleaning Contractors: How to Determine Your Target Market

Many cleaning contractors start their businesses by working with any facility or any company they can get. They know they must jump in somehow, so they start with what is available. However, with time, they often develop specialties, and these specialties become what we could call their niche or target markets.   Having a target market …

Winning Bids Has Nothing to do with Charges

A cleaning contractor was one of several contractors that responded to a request for proposal (RFP), also known as a “tender” in many parts of the world. This contractor was excited to find out that his proposal was one of four being given serious consideration.  Moreover, a couple of weeks later, he was asked to …

How Effective Onboarding Leads to a More Productive Staff

One of the problems many service providers have—whether they are in professional cleaning, carpet cleaning, landscaping, roofing, or a variety of other industries—is staff turnover. Although the numbers can vary, in some sectors the turnover rate can be more than 50 percent. This means that half the crew working for a contractor must be replaced …

Could Your Cleaning Contract Be Harming Your Business Growth?

In 2011, GE Aviation, a company that does business with major corporations all over the world, decided to review the contracts they ask their customers to sign. The current contract could be 25 to 52 pages in length and often included two pages of just definitions – what the words meant in the contract, or …

Cleaning Up RFPs

What building managers don’t know about the changing world of the professional cleaning industry may be costing them. For instance, cleaning contractors still see requests for proposals (RFPs) that specify that hard-surface floors be “stripped and waxed on a monthly basis.” The industry rarely uses the term “wax” any longer. Nowadays the preferred term is …

Get Ready for Blockchain. It’s Here and Growing Fast

Many building managers and contract cleaners have just started getting accustomed to using cloud services. Well, cloud services are old news. Today, what managers and contractors need to start becoming more familiar with is something called Blockchain. Blockchain is still in its infancy but growing fast. Entrepreneurs are hard at work expanding the use of …